VIVIAN CHOI GALLERY is a leading gallery representing Korean and international artists who push the boun dary of contemporary art making With its sp ecialty in Korean new media art, VIVIAN CHOI has introduced the most innovative young and mid carrier Korean artists to the international art scene running various exhibition program s for them. With two decades of market experience, VIVIAN CHOI has showcased renowned western artists to Korean public with a long term perspective offering impartial advice for building a co llection portfolio. Based on the director ’s extensive experience in national museums and international galleries, VIVIAN CHOI has built a strong partnership with museums, international art institutions and corporations offering public art projects.

Director(s): VIVIAN CHOI

Address 2F, 30 Dosandaero 85-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06012 Tel +82 02 2088 3566
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