Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art(Gyeonggi MoMA)

Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art(Gyeonggi MoMA) is a contemporary art museum supported by the district government of Gyeonggi-do and managed by the Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation. Opened in late October of 2006, Gyeonggi MoMA has endeavored to observe, reflect and foster contemporary art in a regional as well as nation-wide scale, and enrich the local community's cultural experience. Gyeonggi MoMA presents a future-oriented vision through collecting works of contemporary art, conducting research, hosting regular and special exhibitions and operating diverse education programs. Gyeonggi MoMA tries enhancing the esthetic sense of the local citizen and meet their need in terms of cultural aspect as public institution representing contemporary art.

director(s): Choi Eun-ju

Address 15385 268, Dongsanro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do Tel +82-(0)31-481-7000
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