
Biennales in Korea

Alternative title ArtAsiaPacific No.100 Special Supplement
Category Leaflet
Publisher Artasiapacific & Korea Arts Management Service(KAMS)
Description In celebration of the 2016 season, which will simultaneously bring exhibitionbs to Gwangju, Busan, and Seoul, Biennales in Korea was put together to show the diverse aspects of the Korean biennales in a single publication. In addition to previewing the plans of 2016's biennale, redaers can become acquainted with contemporary artists who have been spotlighted throughout the history of the Korean Biennales.
Chapter Heading/s Biennale Timelines
Interview with Maria Lind
Interview with Beck Jee-sook
Interview with Yun Cheagab
KIF urning point
Interview with Bartomeu Mari
Database of Korean content in ArtAsiaPacific
Bahc Yiso and Jewyo Rhii
Lee Seung-taek: Harnessing the elements
Kimsooja: Pavilion Transformed
Yeondoo Jung: Handmade Memories
Gimhongsok:Good labor bad art
Sung hwan Kim: Drawing from a play
Language English
No. of Pages 35
Year of Publication 2016
Keyword/s Biennale, Korean art, Contemporary art, ArtAsiaPacific, Artist
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