
Diaspora - Korean nomadism

Category Book
Editor/s Jung-rak Kim, Jeimin Kim
Writer/s Jung-rak Kim, Jeimin Kim
Publisher Hollym International Corp. (Elizabeth, NJ, USA); Arts Council Korea
Description Diaspora: Korean Nomadism is a brief study about international nomads, introducing those who contributed to the development of art in Korea by presenting Korean aesthetic sensibility and artistic creativity to the international world of art, and by introducing the diverse artistic activities they conducted overseas to Korea.?
Chapter Heading/s 1. Introduction
2. About Nomadism and Diaspora
3. Nomadic Tendencies in 20th Century Art
4. Diaspora of Korean Art
5. Modern History of Korean Art and Cultural Flexibility
6. "Koreanness" and Global Culture
7. Paik Nam June: The Artist Who Chose Diaspora
8. Neo Nomads
9. Status and Possibilities of Korean Art in the Era of Globalization
Language English
No. of Pages 160 pages
ISBN / ISSN ISBN : 9781565913233
Year of Publication 2011
Keyword/s Globalization, Artists, Diaspora, Korean, Nomadism, Paik Nam June, Neo Nomads
Sub-category Art History
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