
Coloring time : an exhibition from the Archive of Korean-American Artists : part one, 1955-1989

Category Catalogue
Editor/s Kyunghee Pyun
Writer/s Kyunghee Pyun
Publisher Ahl Foundation
Description "This publication is issued in conjunction with the exhibition "Coloring Time: an Exhibition from the Archive of Korean-American Artists, Part One, 1955-1989," held at the Korean Cultural Service New York from April 10 through May 17, 2013. The exhibition was collaborated by the AHL Foundation and Korean Cultural Service New York."
Chapter Heading/s Director's foreward [sic] / Woo Sung Lee
A message from the president / Sook Nyu Kim
Introduction / Kynghee Pyun
New York art trends, 1955-1999 / Deborah Saleeby-Mulligan
Korean artists in New York, 1990s / Soojung Hyun
A note on Korean-American artists: toward a new definition / Hee Sung Cho
Korean artists in New York, 1955-1989 / Kyunghee Pyun
Language English
No. of Pages 108 pages
ISBN / ISSN ISBN-10: 0989037800
ISBN-13: 978-0989037808
Year of Publication 2013
Keyword/s Korean-American Artists, Exhibition
Sub-category Exhibition Catalogue
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