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SeMA, 2018 Seoul Photo Festival International Photography Workshop

09 June 2018 - 09 June 2018

SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art 2018 Seoul Photo Festival International Photography Workshop

Venue : SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art
DateS : 9 JUN 2018 2pm

SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art(Director Choi Hyo Joon) is now on festive to take photo studios, from neighbouring countries; Lianzhou and Tokyo. To more specific, it is about photo museums- how to collect, curate, archive and so on. Under the name of photo, or foto(Lianzhou), otherwise photographic(Tokyo), the subtle difference from their background and experiences are presented, then the talk is going to be on round tables for a bluprint in the future.
The session 1 is occupied by Founder and Director of Lianzhou Foto, Duan Yuting with a theme of 'Curation and Management of Lianzhou Photo festival.' The next is presented by Chief of Curatorial Section, Tokyo Photographic Art Musem, Harumi Niwa about 'Tokyo photographic Art Museum, from its origins to Now and future.' it would be a meaningful take on saturday afternoon, possibly.

SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art 2018 Seoul Photo Festival International Photography Workshop

More info:
Homepage sema.seoul.go.kr
Telephone 02 2124 5275


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