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Art Sonje Center,‘Reading Future’on Sociological Breaking Imagination

11 July 2018 - 01 Aug 2018

Poster ‘Reading Future’ⓒArt Sonje Center

Poster ‘Reading Future’ⓒArt Sonje Center

Venue : Art Sonje Center Seoul
Dates : 11, 18, 25 JUL, 1 AUG (Every Wednesday)

Anyone can participate in the ‘Reading Future.’-Reading club from the 11st of July in Art Sonje Center Seoul(Vice-president Haeju Kim.) For the first series of the club in the art center, mainly the program begin to read 『Sociological Broken Imagination』(2016) written by a Korean sociologist, Hong Jung Kim. After reading it, all participators discuss about the book together.

The idea of 『Sociological Broken Imagination』, apart from Mills’ idea of Sociological Imagination. It is a term coined by the author, as it means ‘the experience of shockingly collapse of the existing regimes with virtues and aspires.’ The book attempts to suggest insights for the revised meanings of the individuals and the social at the moment of breaking one’s imagination and visions on the future.

More info:
Homepage www.artsonje.org
Telephone +82 722 8944


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