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Arario Gallery Samcheong,《Kim Soun-Gui: 0 Time》

30 Aug 2018 - 11 Nov 2018

Kim Soun-Gui, 〈Voie-Voix Lactée〉, 1988. video, 60 minutes, edition 1 of 3ⓒKIM Soun-Gui 2018

Kim Soun-Gui, 〈Voie-Voix Lactée〉, 1988. video, 60 minutes, edition 1 of 3ⓒKIM Soun-Gui 2018

Dates: 30 AUG 2018 - 11 NOV 2018
Venue: Seoul, Arario Gallery Samcheong

Kim Soun-Gui has working on the international stage, demonstrating a diverse range of media. This exhibition introduces Kim’s collages, paingting, video works and multimedia works, as of yet not introduced in Korea, to illuminate the key concept of the artist, “0 Time.”

When she had studied aesthetics and semiotics in France starting in 1971, and has continued to live and work as an artist in France since then, creating works that freely cross the boundary between East and West. In it, she discovered that the Eastern philosophy of absence of the ego for true knowledge in its aim for an openness accpeting all of the universe and Nature, could be interpreted in a new direction in a Western cultural context. This exhibition show the context in accordance with the concepts of time. Through this way, it would catch a glimpse mindset in seeking an infinite openness beyond boundary, limit and prejudice.

More info:
Homepage http://www.arariogallery.com


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