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Kwang Young Chun, 《Aggregations》

16 Nov 2018 - 28 July 2019

Kwang Young Chun, 〈Aggregation 17-NV089〉, 2017. Mixed media with Korean mulberry paper. ©Kwang Young Chun.

Kwang Young Chun, 〈Aggregation 17-NV089〉, 2017. Mixed media with Korean mulberry paper. ©Kwang Young Chun.

Dates: 16 NOV 2018 – 28 JUL 2019
Venue: Arts of Asia and the Middle East, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA

South Korean artist Kwang Young Chun combines hundreds of paper-wrapped parcels to create sculptural compositions, called Aggregations, that look like crystal formations, asteroids, or the surface of the moon. The Aggregations are simultaneously Space Age and nostalgic, beautiful and violent, powerful and fragile. They draw on the artist’s training in abstract painting as well as memories of his childhood, when Korean apothecaries sold medicine in similar little bundles. Each parcel is wrapped in old book pages, printed in the traditional manner on Korea’s celebrated mulberry-pulp paper, called hanji. This exhibition is curated by Joan Cummins, Lisa and Bernard Selz Senior Curator of Asian Art, Brooklyn Museum.

Further information: https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/kwang_young_chun


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