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Choi Byung-Hoon for 《PAD PARIS 2019》

03 April 2019 - 07 April 2019


Exhibition Poster, ⓒ Laffanour/Galerie Downtown

Choi Byung-Hoon is an artist who makes a piece of furniture as a true work of art, inviting us into the world of utilitarian, reflection and meditation. His work 〈Afterimage of Beginning〉 with beautiful curved plate and finely polished black wood embodies Taoism and Zen; he also reveals the natural beauty of stone and the essence of wood by shaping his furniture-sculptures closer to natural forms. While ambiguities between sculpture and furniture settle, his skillful mix of materials enables reflection, contemplation and infinite tranquility. The works will be exhibited for 《PAD(Paris Art + Design) 2019》 at Stand 01, Laffanour / Galerie Downtown, from April 3 to 7 April.

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