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Asia Culture Center, 《Light on the Move》

21 June 2019 - 01 Sep 2019


Exhibition poster of 《Light on the Move》

‘2019 ACC Matching Project : Korean & Asian Artists Exhibition’ known as 《Light on the Move》 is an exhibition that examines the perspectives and expressions of artists living in the same era that are both the same and different by matching artists in Jeollanamdo including Gwangju and Asians artists based on the same keywords. With three keywords such as “light, space and history” that can symbolically reveal the characteristics of Gwangju, the exhibition aims to look into how the artists of the regions and Asia display their stories and perspectives on life. Through this, the plan is to visually reveal the sorrow of the modern history of Asia of different countries to the audience at home and abroad to sympathize with their sorrow. The exhibition introduces Jeongju Jeong as the artist of the region and Rangga Purbaya of Ruang MES 56 of Indonesia who participated in 2018 ACC Art Space Network Residency. They will allow those that visit Gwangju from home and abroad to reconsider the meaning of the “light” of Gwangju, which has been characterized as the town of light, through the perspectives of the artists and provide an opportunity to look into how Gwangju is a historical city that is connected to light. Through this, the exhibition will heighten the understanding about Gwangju and become a bridge that connects Asia’s cultural arts.

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