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Perrotin Paris, 《Park Seo-Bo》

12 Oct 2019 - 21 Dec 2019


Park Seo-Bo, 〈Ecriture No.050314〉, 2005. Acrylic with Korean hanji paper on canvas, 165x250cm. ©the artist & Perrotin.

Perrotin Paris presents Park Seo-Bo's second solo exhibition in Paris. Park was a pioneer of the avant-garde in the 50s, a leader in the development of Abstract Expressionism in the 60s and since the 70s has been hailed as the “Master of Dansaekwha,” a Korean art movement which is gaining global attention. The exhibition will introduce ‘Late Ecriture(描法)’ also known as ‘Color Ecriture(色彩描法)’ whose work begins with an encounter with autumn foliage. Park pastes three layers of Hanji or Korean traditional paper amply soaked in water onto the canvas, and when it is moist and damp enough, he creates lines or surfaces using a thick pencil, just like a farmer plowing his land. Once the form is complete and the moisture is completely gone, Park adds colors embodying the natural landscape and tastes he experienced. Through this, Park reinterprets and reconstructs Korean 'traditions' from different angles.

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