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National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, 《Korea Artists Prize 2019》

12 Oct 2019 - 01 Mar 2020

올해의 작가상 포스터_사진 국립현대미술관 제공.jpg

Exhibition Poster of 《Korea Artists Prize 2019》

Korea Artist Prize is a prestigious art award and exhibition of Korea co-hosted by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea and the SBS Foundation, and it aims to support those artists who have explored and attested to the potential of contemporary Korean art. Since 2012 until today, Korea Artist Prize has presented visions for contemporary Korean art by fostering discourses in the contemporary art scene. The artists have been chosen based on the recommendations of the committee comprising art professionals such as curators, critics, and scholars and the first-round evaluation process done by a panel of Korean and international judges: Ayoung Kim, Hyesoo Park, Jewyo Rhii, and Young In Hong. Utilizing various mediums and addressing a range of subjects, the artists have approached social and aesthetic issues from different angles. Showcasing the works of these artists who occupy a pivotal position in the Korean art scene, Korea Artist Prize 2019 enables viewers to read the directions towards which contemporary art of fluidity and diversity is leaning and to encounter the conditions of our times visually embodied.

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