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PARADISE ZIP, 《Seung H-sang.ZIP : Sentimental Topography》

12 Dec 2019 - 29 Feb 2020


‘Beauty of Poverty,’ found consistently throughout Seung H-Sang’s architecture, is the starting point and the core of his works. Practicing the ‘emptying’ in architecture that affects the life of humans, Seung fills this void with life to present ‘vitality.’ This is his belief and philosophy in the essence and center of architecture. Seung states ‘space’ as the essence of architecture and that an architect must be the creator of such ‘space.’ Since his declaration of ‘Beauty of Poverty,’ he has approached the core of architecture through specific keywords such as ‘urban void,’ ‘culturescape,’ and ‘landscape.’

Looking back at his past 30 years, Seung presents a new topic, ‘Sentimental Topography.’ He advances one step further to the specific methodologies on how the city and architecture could be more spatially harmonious. Seung’s idea of building a house is not simply building the exterior, but building our lives, the lives that construct and evolve with the house, and even these evolutions. Good architecture delivers the new discoveries of our goodness, truth, and beauty and the culmination of such architectures completes the landscape, or the Sentimental Topography of where we live.

The exhibition at Paradise ZIP, space brought to life by Seung himself, starts with Residence ‘Sujoldang’ where ‘Beauty of Poverty’ was born to Welcomm City, Chusa Memorial Museum, Bugye Arboretum ‘Sayuwon’ Myeongjeong, Muhakro Methodist Church in Hayang and more of Seung’s representing works in models and images. One can also witness his continuous works for the advancement of architectural environment in public domains and delivering public values through architecture as an architect throughout the show.

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