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Art Sonje Center, 《Hwayeon Nam: Mind Stream》

28 Feb 2020 - 26 April 2020


Art Sonje Center presents Mind Stream, a solo exhibition by Hwayeon Nam from February 28 to April 26, 2020. Hwayeon Nam draws the trajectories where historical time meets physical time. Using choreographic methods, she has focused in particular on the influences that arise as that time passes through the body, exploring ways of giving visible form to the resulting fluctuations.

The exhibition is based on the artist’s research into the dancer Seung-hee Choi (1911–1969) between 2012 and the present—and the journey of thought that this brought about. Born during Japan’s colonization of Korea, Choi traveled to Japan at the age of 16 to study under the modern dancer Baku Ishii, before going on to undertake a new exploration of traditional Korean and Eastern dance. Both her dancing and her activities as a person illustrate the questions of identity and historical conflicts that confronted an artist situated between Korea and Japan, tradition and modernity, and East and West. Records of Choi’s life after she and husband Ahn Mak traveled to North Korea following Korea’s liberation are quite scant; for her artistic project, Hwayeon Nam began by imagining one possible path on the basis of these fragmentary records and images.

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Art Sonje Center


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