What's On / Event Calendar

Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, 《Us Against You》

17 April 2020 - 30 Aug 2020


The title 《Us Against You》 implies that ‘we’ share the world we live in with ‘many other entities different from us.’ It also means that we are already related with you in so many ways.

At 《Us Against You》, the audience will meet those who they have to live together with as neighbor, and explore the kinds of coexistence and collaboration they offer. At Us Against You, the audience will see the changing world and diverse entities in it, and the ways of collaboration they bring to the world through the participating artists’s eyes and voices. The exhibition will be not only the very picture of the daily lives of us and you but also a world to produce coincidences, actions and interdependent relationships.

Further Information :
Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art


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