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Lehmann Maupin Seoul, 《Inside Out: The Body Politic》

02 July 2020 - 14 Aug 2020


LEE BUL, False Azure in the Windowpane, 2013 Polyurethane panel, cast polyurethane, aluminum rod, and acrylic paint, 27.17 x 26.77 x 19.29. © Lehmann Maupin

Lehmann Maupin Seoul is pleased to present Inside Out: The Body Politic, an exhibition featuring sculpture, work on paper, and painting by Lee Bul, Tony Oursler, Mandy El-Sayegh, and McArthur Binion. In light of the current global uprisings against systems of oppression, this exhibition examines the ways each artist has dealt with an expansive notion of the political in relation to globalization, technology, and personal identity. While Lee Bul creates sculptures and installations that investigate the societal desire for utopian idealism and its inevitable failure, Oursler examines the role that technology plays in controlling and understanding humanity and human psychology. El-Sayegh makes drawings and paintings using an intensive exploratory and observational process—which she likens to the mechanics of contemporary social and political events that unfold in unanticipated and often chaotic ways—while Binion creates abstract paintings of laboriously hand-drawn grids of oil stick and ink over images containing details of his identity and personal history as an African American man.

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Lehmann Maupin


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