What's On / Event Calendar

Rental Gallery, 《Friend of Ours》

04 July 2020 - 30 July 2020


Installation view, 〈Friend of Ours〉 at Rental Gallery, July 2020. ⓒ Rental Gallery

Rental Gallery is pleased to present Friend of Ours, a group exhibition organized by Benjamin Godsill and Joel Mesler, on view by appointment from July 4th - July 30th, 2020.

Friend of Ours presents leading contemporary artists who bend reality in such a way as to make the viewer question their own lying eyes. Who even knows what is real anymore? Beyond any pedestrian sense of “fake news”, we drift in an epoch wherein no one seems to agree on any basic premise. Everything we look at is presumed to have always already been face-tuned and photoshopped, and when our brains attempt to decode art objects they are filtered through our presumption that they have been “fixed in post”.

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Rental Gallery


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