What's On / Event Calendar

KF Gallery, 《KREAtive Perspectives》

20 July 2020 - 23 Sep 2020


From July 20, 2020, onwards, the Korea Foundation hosts its latest exhibition at the KF Gallery. "KREAtive Perspectives," a contemporary photography exhibition organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine in Korea, features works from 12 Ukrainian and Korean Artists. Seen from the artistis' perspectives, the objects and landscapes depicted in their works show, on the one hand, the universality of our daily lives, while, on the other hand, the works illustrate the diversity of the artists' lived experiences and the differences of their photographic languages. Elaborately and exquisitely observed and captured by the artists, these quotidian impressions look familiar, yet strange and creative.

"KREAtive Perspectives" aims to serve as spatio-temporal forum where you can join in the journey of these tweleve artists and teams from Ukraine and Korea to find motives in their daily lives and observe theisr inspirations and artistic expressions, while also allowing you to familiarizeyourself with the latest trends in contemporary photography. Finally, the exhibition also aims to adveance the cultural exchange between these two countries, with particular focus on the visual arts.

Further Information :
KF Gallery


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