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Sifang Art Museum, 《Must Dream About Blue Tonight》

25 July 2020 - 18 Oct 2020


Sifang Art Museum is honored to announce the new collection exhibition Must Dream About Blue Tonight, to be held from July 25 to October 18, 2020. Since first opening in 2013, we have held regular exhibitions of the sweeping contemporary art collection of museum founder and director Lu Xun.

This exhibition takes its title from a featured work by Swiss artist Miriam Cahn (the original German title is “unbedingt dieses blau heute nacht gträumt”). For this exhibition, we have selected nearly 20 works relating to “matter” from over four hundred pieces in the collection. We hope that as the audience views these objects, they can get a sense of the emotions and concepts the artists have imbued them with, and contemplate the connections between matter and the self that can be projected onto the emotions, views and attitudes that have arisen from the tumultuous events of 2020 thus far.

Further Information :
Sifang Art Museum


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