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Taehwa River Eco Art Festival 2020, 《An Ore in My Hands》

15 Oct 2020 - 25 Oct 2020


Kyungsang Ilbo Press holds the 14th Taehwa River Eco Art Festival (TEAF20) for 11 days from October 15th to 25th, 2020. This exhibition, which examines the role of visual culture in a rapidly changing new phenomenon under the theme of 'An Ore in My Hands', will be held in the Taehwa River National Garden Migratory Bird Park with artworks from the United States, Germany, Russia, Spain, and South Africa. More than 20 works by 18 teams from 7 different countries will be presented.

Artists : Daemon Kim, Kim Minki X Bahc Gayeon, Je Baak, Bongchull Shin, Artnom, Nam-yong Ahn, Moonho Lee, Sung Jang, Junseok Jang, Hye Kyung Jung, Yun-Woo Choi, Ilho Choi, Jieun Gu/SCIENCE Walden (UNIST), Leonid Tishkov, Ben Bulter, Susumu Kawai, Jürgen Dünhofen, Javier Martin

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