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MMCA Residency Changdong, 《MMCA Residency Changdong Report 2020》

20 Nov 2020 - 29 Nov 2020


The National Museum of Modern And Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA), presents 《MMCA Residency Changdong Report 2020》, an exhbition featuring artists-in-residence at Residency Changdong from 20 to 29 November 2020. Operated by the MMCA, Residency Changdong has selected and supported Korean artists aged 40 and above in various visual arts fields including music and dance since 2016.

《MMCA Residency Changdong Report 2020》 has been organized to introduce three artists participating in the 18th residency program this year and to present artwork they have created during their residency. Artsits often plan their projects months or even years in advance. But this year, the ongoing pandemic has imposed ans unprecendencted degree of postponement, suspension, and even cancellation of those plans. BUt depending on the perspective, the apndemic can be seen as an opportunity to slow thing down and opend our eyes to a possibility of supporting artists in new ways that transcend physical limitations. If social distnacing and lockdowns lead to the examination of new valuses or the production of nonphysical ties, even moments of apparent crisis cannot be written off as a time of regression. Through this exhibition, the residency seeks to present a quited record of 2020, a year in which artists learned in their own ways to accept and artistically sublimate the pandemic that has become part of everyday routines.

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