What's On / Event Calendar

GANA Art Center, 《Kwun Suncheol》

20 Nov 2020 - 20 Dec 2020


Kwun Suncheol has put his intuitive and intense handwriting on canvas based on the face of Korean mountains, rivers, and people, concerning the background of modern and contemporary Korean history. Kwun' work is read as if it believes in hylozoism, indicating that all matter - including both living and inanimate things - has her own vitality and idea. This view takes a reasonable point by means of scrutinizing the faces of featured artworks. As the presented materials such as an individual face ,mountains, magnolias, and cotton gloves hold the unique value of each being on a equal footing, the artists treats them without any partiality. The exhibition will provide a place where the audience has time to reflect the artisti's original perspective on the texture of objects, historical events, and characters.

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GANA Art Center


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