Arario Gallery Seoul is pleased to present "意味와 無意味 SENS ET NON-SENS: Works from 1974-2020", a solo exhibition by CHOI Byungso. The exhibition aims to reconsider CHOI’s unique position as an artist, who encompasses the stylistic tendencies of not only Korean avant-garde experimental art from the late 1960s but also Dansaekhwa (Korean monochrome painting), within the art historical narrative. This comprehensive overview of the past fifty years of his practice juxtaposes early conceptual art from the 1970s with recent paintings and installation works. The title of this exhibition "意味와 無意味 SENS ET NON-SENS: Works from 1974-2020" is derived from CHOI’s work "Untitled" (1998), which incorporates the book of the same name (1948) by Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The artist rejected the mainstream system existing in the arts and society as a whole and attempted to open new possibilities through dismantling the system. As such, CHOI’s artistic practice is in touch with Merleau-Ponty’s worldview that recognized the importance of both experience and physical experience and insisted on the meaninglessness of the world of reason and logic.
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Arario Gallery