Gallery Hyundai is pleased to present Minjung Kim's solo exhibition 《Timeless》. For the last three decades, Minjung Kim has been presenting works that ingeniously combine East Asian traditions of ink-on-paper painting with the compositional language of Western abstract art. Following Paper, Ink and Fire: After the Process in 2017 by four years, this second solo exhibition includes Kim’s most iconic series Mountain, The Street, Sculpture, Story, and Timeless, as well as the new The Water, Couple, and thirty-or-so other recent works. The title Timeless not only signifies the endless, eternal, and unchanging, but is also eponymous to the series of works being introduced to Korea for the first time. In a larger sense, it summarizes the complexities of Kim’s creative process: the persistent beauty of Korean hanji paper that endures thousands of years, the artist’s ritualistic act of evening her breath before burning Korean paper, then the repetitive, labor-intensive process of meticulously placing those pieces of paper by hand. Furthermore, it reflects her intention to visualize in the language of contemporary art revelations of East Asian philosophy such as reincarnation, Yin and Yang, emptiness and fullness.
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Gallery Hyundai