What's On / Event Calendar

MMCA,《Catastrophe and Recovery》

22 May 2021 - 01 Aug 2021

1. 요제프 보이스, 곤경의 일부.jpg

Joseph Beuys, Plight Element, 1985

《Catastrophe and Recovery》 aims to examine the impacts of the pandemic on individuals and societies as a whole in the perspective of contemporary artists, while at the same time, reflect on the meaning of life through art to enable the exhibition to serve as an opportunity for healing and recovery by extending a sense of comfort to the audience.

6. Lee Bae, Issu du feu,2021.JPG
Lee Bae, 〈Issu du feu〉, 2021

35 Korean and international artists who take part in this exhibition take an in-depth view of the eruption and spread of the COVID-19 cirus amid the halt in people's daily lives due to the pandemic, each with their own perspective. They record and reinterpret the social and individual events associated with the pandemic. This exhibition consists of five sections : 'Signs and Symptoms', 'Jipkok, Homebound Together', 'Numbers and Distance', 'Outside Here, Inside There', 'Daily Life Deferred, Contemplations during a Pause'.

For Further Informaiton : MMCA


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