What's On / Event Calendar

Kunsthal Aarhus,《Moonlight Crowns – Intimate Sisters》

21 July 2021 - 20 Aug 2021


Yeesookyung, Moonlight Crowns - Intimate Sisters, 2021. Photo : Mikkel Kaldal. Image courtesy of the Kunsthalaarhus.

《Moonlight Crowns – Intimate Sisters》 is a twin exhibition of Yeesookyung’s solo exhibition Moonlight Crown, opening at Art Sonje Center(Seoul, Korea) from July 29 to September 26.

Art Sonje Center and Kunsthal Aarhus, the two contemporary art institutions in South Korea and Denmark, collaborated to represent works and ideas by innovative artists. The Project is called Little ASJC in Aarhus and Little KA in Seoul. Little ASJC and Little KA will present different methods of introducing contemporary artists.

Both exhibitions present sculptures, which resembles crowns. While human-sized sculptures with forms of different crowns are introduced in Art Sonje Center's exhibition, different works of art pieces are represented in this exhibition. "The three pieces installed in Konsthal Aarhus are quite small, black sculptures, connected to those in Seoul. Using fragments of various handcrafted materials, the artist covers the surface of the sculpture in a focused, authomatic-technical way inherent in her own body."

For Further Information : Kunsthalaarhus


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