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Kukje Gallery, Haegue Yang《Mesmerizing Mesh》

24 Aug 2021 - 12 Sep 2021

[Kukje Gallery] Haegue Yang_installation view_3.jpg

Kukje Gallery K1 Haegue Yang's new series, 《Mesmerizing Mesh》 installation view. Image provided by Kukje Gallery.

Kukje Gallery is presenting 《Mesmerizing Mesh》, the solo exhibition of Haegue Yang through September 12,2021. The exhibition includes the artist's new work based on extensive research that she focused on from last year. She produced 12 pieces of the new series of hanji(traditional Korean paper) collages.

The artist focuses on the spiritual act of blowing a soul into this materiality(paper). The gallery states, she creates a human figure out of paper(hanji), and 'blowing a spirit into it in order to console the ghost and resolve its sorrow'. It also describes, the methodology of forming layers and dimensions out of patterns and ornamentation is in accordance with the artist's way of molding space by weaving planes out of various materials including venetian blinds, artificial straw, and metal bells. This ultimately suggests an inextricable relationship between the material and the mind.

Further info : Kukje Gallery


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