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Art Sonje Center, 《Minimalism-Maximalism-Mechanissmmm Act 1- Act 2》

20 Jan 2022 - 06 Mar 2022

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Art Sonje Center is presenting 《Minimalism-Maximalism-Mechanissmmm Act 1 - Act 4》.
The exhibition is conceptualized into 4 acts by Jacob Fabricius (Director, Art Hub Copenhagen), and Act 4 is curated by Mikkel Elming(Director, Glassmusset Ebeltoft). Act 1 and Act 2 is firstly presents from January 20 to March 6, and Act 3 and Act 4 will be presented from March 17 to April 24.

The exhibition examines how artists select, use and work with materials, as the exhibition represents traditional expressions in a non-traditional and experimental setting. Through the series of 4 acts, the audience will encounter multiple ways of disseminating, experiencing, utilizing, viewing and questioning curatorial methods and institutional approach to presenting works.

Act 1 will present minimalistic works, consisting of tactile and sensual works on canvas, paper, sculptures. On the other hand, Act 2 presents paintings, where the artists are creating narrative stories from uran and rural areas. Act 1 and Act 2 focuses on creating a contemplative relationship between the artworks, the observer, and their making.

Act 1: Asger Dybvad Larsen, Fredrik Værslev, Kang DongJu, Monica Bonvicini, Oso Parado, Pernille Kapper Williams, Silas Inoue, and Tony Lewis
Act 2: Expansion Colony, Heo ChanMi, Kent Iwemyr, Li Ran, Nho Wonhee, Suh Yongsun, and Trevor Shimizu

Curated by Jacob Fabricius (Director, Art Hub Copenhagen)
Exhibition Management by Heehyun Cho (Curator, Art Sonje Center)
Assisted by Eunchae Cho (Curatorial Assistance, Art Sonje Center)
Organized by Art Sonje Center and Kunsthal Aarhus
Supported by Art Hub Copenhagen, Augustinus Fonden, Danish Arts Foundation, Embassy of Italy in Seoul, Italian Cultural Institute in Seoul, Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Knud Højgaards Fond, and V1 Gallery

For further info : Art Sonje Center


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