What's On / Event Calendar

BB&M Gallery, 《Cold Pitch》

19 Feb 2022 - 02 April 2022

콜드피치(COLD PITCH), 2022, BB&M Gallery_전시 전경 (1).jpg

BB&M 갤러리 개관전 《콜드 피치(COLD PITCH)》, 전시 전경, 2022, ©BB&M.

콜드피치(COLD PITCH), 2022, BB&M Gallery_전시 전경.jpg

BB&M 갤러리 개관전 《콜드 피치(COLD PITCH)》, 전시 전경, 2022, ©BB&M

BB&M is presenting 《Cold Pitch》, an exhibition which brings 4 artists : Goen Choi, Jeongsu Woo, Sinae Yoo, and Hyangro Yoon. This exhibition is to discover and support young Korean artists, offering a chance to discover their artistic experimentation who remained committed to their individual artistic visions in the fast-changing currents of contemporary art scene. The works exhibited are the result of their exploration of the forms and ideas surrounding their mediums.

For more information : BB&M


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