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NOW Gallery, JeeYoung Lee, 《Maiden Voyage》

23 June 2022 - 25 Sep 2022

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For NOW Gallery’s 2022 Art Commission Korean artist JeeYoung Lee has created an environment inspired by memories, dreams, emotions, and her personal experience. The artist reinterprets her psychological landscape and thoughts into this environment.

This is a space where JeeYoung reminisces about the past and imagines the future through themes of travel and nature. It is a landscape of her mind which invites audiences to become a part of her world.

JeeYoung hopes that these origami objects, the boat, planes and swans floating in a Gingko leaf sea, will trigger thoughts, memories and give an opportunity for people to harness their own memories and rediscover their own stories. This is not an installation which requires you to understand the artist’s intention, it is a moment to revisit your own experience, find a resonance within the work and relive a moment that was special.

For more information: Now Gallery


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