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Atelier Hermès, Sungsil Ryu, 《The Burning Love Song》

29 July 2022 - 02 Oct 2022

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Sungsil Ryu's solo exhibition, The Burning Love Song, which won the 19th Hermès Foundation Art Award at Atelier Hermes, will be held from July 29 to October 2. Sungsil Ryu implements Korea's consumerist customs with his characters such as BJ Cherryjang and Lee Dae wang as black comedy narratives, revealing the bare face of capitalist society.

The Hermès Foundation said, "Sungsil Ryu shows a new approach to disrupt the existing dichotomous between art and non-art as well as reality and fiction through a kind of 'one-person media show'. She has built a world of arts that implies both locality and universality by combining and reconstructing her family history, contemporary political-social issues in Korea, and traditional forms with her keen insight."

For more information: Atelier Hermès


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