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Galerie Chantal Crousel,《Haegue Yang: Mesmerizing Mesh - Paper Leap and Resonating Habitat》

18 Oct 2022 - 03 Dec 2022

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Descending Medusa Hands Bodhisattva Requiem - Mesmerizing Mesh #109, 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris. © Studio Haegue Yang

Galerie Chantal Crousel is pleased to announce Haegue Yang’s fourth solo exhibition entitled Mesmerizing Mesh – Paper Leap and Resonating Habitat.

Taking place at the crossroads of spirit and matter, this exhibition presents the series Mesmerizing Mesh, two-dimensional works initiated by Yang in 2021. The variety of compositions articulate Yang’s understanding of and curiosity about diverse shamanistic rituals and paper props, paper cutting traditions from different cultures, and the sacred dimension of hanji (traditional Korean mulberry paper).

Three Sonic Celestial Ropes consisting of gleaming and bold cords of bells and a suspended, stacked tower-shaped wooden sculpture adorned with hanji flowers and metal bells will also punctuate the space, along with two modestly scaled wall-mounted colorful blind installations. Stretching out on the walls like climbing or crawling plants, the blind installations transform the exhibition space of Mesmerizing Mesh – Paper Leap and Resonating Habitat into a flourishing habitat energized by the resonance of the bells.


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