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P21, Jiyoung Keem, 《Scattering Breath》

14 Oct 2022 - 19 Nov 2022


P21 presents Jiyoung Keem's solo exhibition Scattering Breath from October 14 to November 19, 2022. In this exhibition, Jiyoung Keem shows 69 drawing series Drawing for Red Time (2020-2022) for the first time, along with her iconic Red Time series.

Keem presents the story "still differently," which makes us re-sense the world we are familiar with by reconstructing the image through the montage process of repetition and replacement. Starting from the act of reproducing an object, the artist experiments with distance from the object through the medium of painting and drawing. Showcased in Scattering Breath are Jiyoung Keem's representative Red Time series and new drawing works.


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