What's On / Event Calendar


13 June 2017 - 17 Sep 2017

Venue: Daegu Art Museum Exhibition Hall 1, Umi hall (Daegu)

Artists: Angela Deane,Bill Viola, KIM Doojin, KIM Jin, LEE Changwon, Lim Minouk, Odani Motohiko, Yeesookyung, Yuan Goangming

Daegu Art Museum has organized exhibitions annually to interpret the flow of international contemporary art, researching on and introducing contemporary art trends.

This year, Daegu Art Museum picked Ghost as the concept of intangible beings that threaten or frighten people’s life in today’s world, seeking to delve into the actualities which confuse or unknowingly disguise us through artworks which visualize such existences. Specific themes are categorized into two based on the Ghost concept depending on tempo-spatial differences. First, ‘The Spirit and the Body’ touching upon surreal tempo-spatiality specifies abstract fear which cannot be identified between the body – the physicality of a human being – and the invisible spirit into such keywords as fear and illusion.

Second, ‘Me in the Society’ dealing with the present time includes threats from politics, capitalism and conventional norms which are difficult to be clearly recognized although they are closely embedded in people’s life.

The exhibition is intended to diagnose the present facet and psychology of those of us living in today’s world and look into the essential actuality by paying attention to the Ghost which is either commonly or differently interpreted in each country and culture.



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