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8 Works, Collections of the Artists

01 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017

Venue: Audio Visual Pavilion

The artworks mentioned in the exhibition title 8 Works, Collections of the Artists are old works of the seven artists: Donghee Koo, Siwon Kim, Young-gle Keem, Hwayeon Nam, Bona Park, Soosung Lee and Sulki Choi. These works were created from 2007 until 2016.[1] And yet, they are not completely old ones. Since they are associated with the circumstance of the exhibition, they are in a state where the physical objects shown in the exhibition were destroyed because the ‘tempo-spatiality of the exhibitions’ where they were introduced for the first time is gone. When these works are brought into this exhibition, ‘exhibition conditions’ utilized as elements in the works change, which make the works reborn in a new way. Artworks, albeit seemingly ‘conceptual’, are inevitably represented via ‘a body’. This exhibition vividly reveals the followings between their previous works suggested through records and the works shown this time which enable to check in person: methodologies which generate outcome, conditions which generate the methodologies, the basis for the existence of the works, and the artists’ judgment and decisions.

There are two books as components of this exhibition. One is a book with information on how to create the works, or text/images as the work (Book 1). Some artists have included an instruction to create somewhat similar outcomes, while others have written an instruction to arouse diverse types of interpretation and outcome. Some have created another artwork by installing the same text in the space, and others have encoded a text which serves as the starting point of their work. Another book is with past records of eight works and eight artists’ interviews, which also includes this piece of writing (Book 2). One book responds one on one to eight works, and the other book is supplementary. For interviews, we included questions and answers exchanged via email. A name indicated in an email received was recorded along with the time of receipt, and we tried to keep each artist’s way of writing on PC intact as much as possible in the course of editing. The artists gave different answers for similar requests and questions. Their answers revealed their ways of thinking, which are clearly reflected in their work. Records of their past works, works which are the same yet not exactly the same, and the artists’ writing on them reveal the conditions attached to the exhibition and their impact, while forming another network around every single work. This is a type of method which cannot be found in other genres than art, and the exhibition serves as a tempo-spatiality creating such a multiple network.

[1] Only Heewon Oh’s two works are new ones. The artist makes works which utilize the forms of ‘postcards’ and ‘web-posted images’ for this exhibition by making a variation of Blind Site series, using AVP as its object.

Excerpt from the Text by Jeewon Yoon



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