What's On / Event Calendar

Final Fantasy

20 Oct 2017 - 02 Dec 2017

Venue: HITE Collection

HITE Collection is held Final Fantasy from October 20 to December 2, 2017. The exhibition featuring each participating artists’ interpretation of illusion/fantasy through the variety of media such as video, installation, sculpture, photography, paintings. Participating artists include Kang Jungsuck, Kyunghwan Kwon, Dahwan. Ghim, Inbai Kim, Gi Young Kim, NNExpress, Soyung Lee, Soojung Choi. The title of the exhibition originally came from the name of a role-playing video game.

Image: NNExpress, Heehyang 2, 2017, Pigment print, 210 x 140 cm Image Courtesy of the artist



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