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《Annecy Paysages》 blossoming Choi Jeong Hwa's 〈Breathing Flower〉

posted 01 Aug 2018

Jeong Hwa Choi's vivid Lotus flower is installed in city Annecy

Jeong Hwa Choi's vivid Lotus flower is installed in city Annecy ⓒMarc Domage ⓒBonlieu Annecy

Venue : France, Annecy

Dates : 30 JUN 2018 - 2 SEP 2018

《Annecy Paysages》(Direction : Salvador Garcia)is a festival all around the city Annecy in France with public art and sculpture. With all kinds between genres from fine art sculptures to stage performances, the festival will craft city scenes imagined as an itinerary in town stretching over 4 kilometres. On foot or by bike, even whether staying in a place within/under any of participating art works, will be ways of enjoying city and art in late summer of a very European town. Not only for good weather expecting but also the 23 opened pubic art works are surely peacefully blowing mind with the green and eco-friendly approach to surroundings and locals. Out of museum, under the sun indeed, it would make lazy and peaceful resonace itinitery for art.

Even artist Jeong Hwa Choi's vivid Lotus mamoth flower installations would join the town blossoming.By Esplandade de l'hotel de ville, the giant lotus is designed slowly moving petals evoke breathing. It would see various ways to be like a symbol of pureness in Buddism term as well as the artist's vibrant kitch-style art vocabulary. Whether how to be defined, the pink flower safely settle in the city festival with art and summer lovers.

a part of installation in 《Annecy Paysages》ⓒMarc Domage ; vue aerienne ⓒJean-Pierre & Xavier Rivet

Part of installation in 《Annecy Paysages》ⓒMarc Domage ; vue aerienne ⓒJean-Pierre & Xavier Rivet ⓒBonlieu Annecy

And surely, there are many sublime landscape piece by artists; in this time, many creators of gardens, designers, architects will join the events. Among the fully greenery ortherwise enough cutting -edge artworks, Christophe Marchalot develops beyond 3 dimensional scape-across vertical imagination of space with botanical scape will happen. All info well described by video clips.

Part of installations by Christophe Marchalot

Part of installations by Christophe Marchalot ⓒMarc Domage ⓒBonlieu Annecy

Logo of the Annecy Paysages ⓒAnnecy Paysages

Logo of the Annecy Paysages ⓒAnnecy Paysages

More info: Homepages
Annecy Paysages festival www.annecy-paysages.com
Artist Choi Jeong Hwa www.choijeonghwa.com


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