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Ji Hye Yeom for 2019 Cité Internationale des Arts by Samsung Foundation

posted 16 April 2019

염지혜_그들이 온다. 은밀하게, 빠르게(still image)_단채널 영상, 사운드_15분 15초_2016.jpg

Ji Hye Yeom, 〈They Come. Swiftly, Stealthily〉, 2016. Single channel moving image. ⓒ Ji Hye Yeom

In order to promote cultural exchange between Korea and France and to support the creative activities of Korean artists, the Samsung Foundation of Culture took out a long-term lease from 1996 until 2060 on an atelier of approximately forty-five square meters in size in the Cite International des Arts in Paris. Selected artists have introduced the diverse aspects of Korean art to the various audiences of Paris, one of the central cities of arts. For this year's residency, Korean artist Ji Hye Yeom has been selected as a grantee.

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