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CICA Museum, Call for Artists: 2021 Spring Artist Studio Program

posted 28 July 2020


CICA Museum invites artists worldwide to participate in the Artist Studio Program Spring 2021. The studio space (around 44m2) will be assigned to each artist for three or six months at the CICA Museum. The artists will be featured in the e-book, “ CICA Art Now 2021.” The printed version will be available by order.

August 21, 2020: Close submissions
August 24-31, 2020: Approvals: Selected artists will be notified by email.
January-March/April-June/January-June, 2021: Artist Studio Program
August 1, 2021: Expected publication date of “CICA Art Now 2021″

How to submit your work:
– Please send us up to 10 JPG (100-500 kilobytes per image recommended) portfolio images and/or up to 3 direct links to video/web/interactive art, your artist statement, and bio. Please email them to “cicamuseum.submission@gmail.com.”

Further Information :
CICA Museum


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