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Call for Submissions - Art Teleported Korea 2021: The art Show and Conference

posted 04 Aug 2020


CICA Museum invites creative writers, scholars, and artists worldwide to participate in “Art Teleported Korea 2021,” the Art Show and Conference for Nomadic Artists. The art shows will be held on January 20-24, 2021 at the CICA Museum and online at the same time. Due to the uncertain global situation, the conference will be held online on January 23-24, 2021. Presenters will have a presentation in a session and participate in the onsite and online art shows. Presenters will be featured in the book “New Media Art 2022,” expected to be published in November 2021. The book will be available in major bookstores in Korea, and in the United States and other countries via Amazon. We are open to proposals for paper presentations, workshops, experimental sessions, as well as artistic performance.

This year’s categories include:
-Visual Culture/Cultural Studies
-Art and Globalism/Localism
-Art and Diaspora
-Art and Artificial Intelligence
-Virtual/Augmented Reality Art
-Art and Social Media
-Art and Mass Media
-Art Performance
-New Media Culture
-Game Art
-Web Art
-New Media Art utilizing Mobile Apps or Devices
-Installation Art

Further Information :
CICA Museum


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