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Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations - Call for Artists

posted 07 Sep 2020


2020 GAMMA Young Artist Competition's theme is "Bridging Art & Lifestyle" to find innovative artists interested in finding new ways the role of arts in daily life.
The areas are composed with Painting & Sculpture / Contemporary Media / Fashion & Design.

Competition Schedule
Submission Deadline: October 1st, 2020
Announcement of the 1st Screening: October 10th, 2020
Announcement of the final Screening: October 20th, 2020

Painting & Sculpture
Contemporary Media Art
Fashion & Design

Award Benefits

  1. The 1st screening (25 runners)
    Included in the introduction book by ACCESS which is an official cultural platform of Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations (http://www.accesscs2.org/).
    Award certificate
  2. The Final Screening (Final 5 runners)
    1st winner : USD 1,250 / 2nd winner : USD 830 / 3rd winner: USD 410
    Invited to the GYAC online exhibition
    Invited to the new online projects with GYAC's global partners
    Korean Artists selected by 2020 GYAC will be able to participate to diverse art fairs & group exhibitions supported by Sungshin Women's University's Campus Town Team in 2021.

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