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Call for Applications : KF Arts and Cultural Exchange Program 2022-23

posted 05 Aug 2021

The Korea Foundation(KF) provides support for a variety of Korea-related cultural exchange projects.

The Support for Arts and Cultural Exchange Program is intended to assist in funding the preparations for a variety of Korea-related cultural exchanges such as Korean performing arts events, exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and other comprehensive projects. Overseas organizations are eligible for this program.

The KF’s Online Application Portal is currently open. To apply for the program, please submit all required documents through the portal before 18:00 KST on August 31, 2021. Results will be announced in December and the grant period will start in the 2022 financial year.

Program Schedule

□ Application Period : July 1 to August 31, 2021(18:00 KST)
□ Project Evaluation : September to November, 2021
□ Project Period : Proposed Projects must be conducted between January 1, 2022 and June 20, 2023.

Eligible Applicants

□ Overseas organizations implementing art or cultural programs
□ Overseas universities with Korean studies centers or Korea-related programs

Eligible Project

□ Performing arts events related to Korean music, dance, and theater
□ Visual arts exhibitions featuring Korean painting, calligraphy, sculpture, photography, ceramics, or media art
□ Lectures, workshops, and seminars or Korean arts and culture
□ Projects introducing Korean arts and culture through audio-visual imagery such as film, still images, and new media
□ Projects related to other Korean arts and culture themes or content, such as food, clothing, architecture, Korean language, games, sports, books, etc.
□ Comprehensive projects related to the above genres

For more information : KF


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