Jen Yeunho Kimjang studied media art and cultural studies. She planned the Seoul International NewMedia Festival (2000–17), which won the award Arts of the Year in 2005. She was also the director of Media Theater i-Gong and on the review committee of Media City Seoul 2012. Kimjang also taught at the School of Film, TV and Multimedia of Korea National University of Arts from 2005 to 2012. Her other planning experience includes the Feminism Video Activist Biennale (2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2016); Yoko Ono Tag: Alternative Film, Fluxus, John Lennon (2010); Maya Deren (2010); Chantal Akerman (2007); and Bill Viola (2007). Publications she planned and edited include Code Reading of Digital Visual (2003), A Bandit with Her Camera (2005) and The History of Korean New Media Art (2010).