Hello! Artist

Jeong Seyoung

posted 23 Jan 2018


Jeong Seyoung

Jeong Seyoung majored in theater at Hoseo University and visual arts and stage design at École Supérieure d’Arts Plastiques de la Ville de Monaco. Jeong also studied performance at the National Choreographic Centre of Montpellier in France. In 2014, the artist served as artist-in-residency at the former Seoul Art Space Hongeun (now Seoul Dance Center), and since then, he has shown various works exploring the borders between modern art, dance, and theater work. Jeong won first prize at Danse élargie, a competition that has presented an expanded form of dance and experimental art, for one of his series of works, Deux ex Machina, in 2016.

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Naver Cultural Foundation


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