Interviw with Hong-Goo, Kang

posted 03 June 2017


Kang Hong-Goo is one of the representative clearly showing historical evolution of Korean photography. The individual's creative activity and unremitting efforts on work have the same track with the current of contemporary Korean photography. His photography well reflects a transition period of Korean photography after 1990s when the traditional was grafted with western modern practices. He smartly grated these two seperate tendencies with his characteristic wit and creativity. 


Kang's photo reveals bleak and melancholy scene of urbinized landscape which we've recognized but havn't cearly seen yet. He discovered  the ambiguous space covered under creases in reality while adopting the medium photography as a tool for reproduction. Both style and content of Kang's photo equal to the self-portrait and at the same time historical traces of contemporay Korean photography for last half century.

Written by Sun young Kim

Korean Artist Project 

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