Shin Meekyoung's Translation series deals with diverse signification effects resulted from the process of translation and transition between different cultures. It was the objects such as the classic statues, porcelain, public monuments that the artist pays attention to since these are the objects of cultural translation closely related to the specific socio-cultural circumstances between nations or regions. They are made of unique material, soap and its fragile materiality of soap that slowly disappears and easily 'transforms' to another shape raises a question on the perpetuity and rigidity 'the classic' implies and connotes the artist's interests in translation and displacement. The virtual exhibition Translation presents Shin Meekyoung's porcelain, sculpture, monuments, separated from the original time and space and de-contextualised through several layers, facilitate to reconsider, from the present perspective, on the layers of confusions and sense of foreignness experienced at the border between different cultures.
Written by Bae Myung ji