When Walter Benjamin announced a new experience in visual perception to be brought by the eye of a camera with high expectation in the early 20th century, photography had already been enthusiastically capturing everything in existence for many years. While many focused on the conventional beauty as the splendor and magnificence of nature, subtle and passing moments, and the beauty in everyday life and warmth of family, many others turned their eyes to the dark side behind the light and the world of sociopathy. These photographers revealed the structural absurdity of a society by depicting the poor and laborers neglected by society, disclosed the glaring hypocrisy and falsity of the seemingly noble bourgeois, and exposed the prejudices and pains behind moralism by focusing on those who were outside the normality. If we are to compare Oh Hein-Kuhn with the two types mentioned above, he surely belongs to the second group.
Written by Hyeon Ju BYEON